Burnaby FC Launches 2024/25 Fall/Winter Registration & Brochure

March 10, 2024 – Burnaby FC today opened registration for the 2024-2025 Fall/Winter season.

To provide as much information as possible on our Club programming we are providing our 2024-2025 Fall/Winter Registration brochure (attached as a PDF) and found on our website. The document includes 9 pages of information on our 2024-2025 programs as well as details on several other Club initiatives, registration details, financial assistance, assessments policies, uniform and equipment details, BFC player pathway etc. We strongly encourage members to read the brochure as we hope it will provide you with the information you need or answers to any questions you may have.

Why Register Now

The Club is asking all returning players to please register before June 15, 2024, to help us with minimizing changes to team rosters. Many of our programs fill up early and so we encourage members to register in the Spring as we can then gauge registration numbers and react by finding more coaches and potentially more training opportunities. We also face deadlines from leagues to commit to teams at different age levels and face significant fines if we get it wrong. As a result, Burnaby FC cannot guarantee a spot on any of our teams after June 15, 2024. To encourage early registration, the Club will be offering an Early Registration Discount until May 15, 2024. Visit our website to register.

FIRST KICKS (U5-U7) / (2020 – 2018)

Registration for our First Kicks will open on April 15 to allow us more time to determine exact times and locations for sessions as we realize it can be challenging for parents to commit to programming without this information. The Club will provide more details on April 15.

HOUSE (U8-U10) / (2017-2015)

Registration for all House players (U8/2017 – U10/2015) is now open.

DIVISIONAL (U11-U18) / (2014 – 2007)

All divisional players are asked to register using the link provided on the website. Each will be charged the base fee for their respective age level. Player assessments are ongoing and invitations to join High Performance teams will be sent on June 8 (for Sept-Dec) only to players who have registered and paid the base fee. Another evaluation window will occur in November with HP invites sent December 16 (for Jan-Mar 2025). Due to high interest in obtaining an HP position and the need to provide other players a chance to consider other options, players (parents) are required to accept the invitation and pay the HP fee within 48 hours to secure their spot (or advise they are turning it down).

ADULTS (2006 +)

Registration for our adult teams will open in June. This will allow us to solidify our plans for adult teams for the 2024-2025 MWSL and VMSL seasons. For the 2024-2025 season, BFC is expected to field men’s teams at Division 1, 3 and 4. On the women’s side, BFC expects to field teams at Premier, Selects B, Division 2 and Masters 3. We will also introduce details on options available to non-BFC adult players.